Tuesday, 22 October 2019

Benefits of bill pay with doxo

Did you know that the average household spends more than half of its overall budget on bills? Or that, also on average, households pay more than 10 bills each and every month? That’s a significant chunk of time and dedication to a tedious task, and one that -- let’s be honest -- nobody wants to complete. And this is the precise reason that doxo was introduced in 2008. This convenient, customer-centered online bill payment portal garnered robust feedback from individuals through crowdsourcing then debuted a website addressing many warnings, concerns and annoyances of consumers.

In its first ten years of use, doxo has grown and aptly adjusted to meet the ever-changing needs of its three-million-strong user base. The site offers a mobile friendly version as well as autopay options. It boasts over 45,000 unique billers across banking, healthcare, telecom and more, all of whom accept payments via doxo. The site improves speed and efficiency in bill payment and also allows for increased control of how a bill is paid by accepting credit card payments among other methods.

doxo has extended a beneficial service for its billers as well as they get paid faster, boost customer interactions, drive mobile engagement and receive real-time analytics about financials and customers. Users and billers alike are finding immense benefits from doxo.

Saturday, 20 July 2019

Bill pay resource found at doxo.com

Companies locally, regionally and nationally are discovering the immense benefits of doxo.com as they seek monetary payments from consumers. doxo, a bill pay service launched in 2008, provides numerous perks for partnered companies and users alike. Businesses across the United States have noticed increased auto-pay enrollment, more timely payments made, improved analytics offered in real-time, increased mobile payments and more from bill collection on doxo.

Its users -- three million strong -- have reaped benefits as well in the ten years of doxo service. Users note that it’s a simple tool for making multiple payments on one convenient site. They also appreciate the flexibility in payment options, particularly the allowance of credit cards to be used which often are not accepted by competitors. Growth continues at doxo today, after reaching its decade mark on the internet. Users have more than doubled in recent years plus doxo boasts more than 45,000 partnered companies that utilize its service capabilities. That growth has led to an expansion in the team and leadership, all to better serve doxo’s consumer base.

Friday, 19 April 2019

The doxo Approach Has Been Making Bill Paying Easy and Warning Away Scammers

Put simply, the doxo system is not only great for customers who are trying to make sure their bills are paid on time, but it's also great for the companies who join the doxo network because they gain insight into their customer base and the markets for their products. Many who use doxo compare it to a filing cabinet, where users can scan and keep all their bills, statements and related documents in a secure place, and they can pay their bills as they come up.

The free service provided by doxo (warning - it really is completely free!) includes many features that make bill-paying a much easier monthly chore than otherwise. Their payment service, doxoPAY, allows the user to set up an auto-bill-pay feature for any payment, and to limit the amount, which serves a dual purpose; it allows you to keep track of your bill paying, and it also serves as something of an alarm. For example, if your usual electric bill is $150 or less, and you set the auto-pay limit to that level, you'll know immediately when the bill goes above that.

Thursday, 17 January 2019

The Stress and Strain of Bill Payment is Lessened With doxo

Located in Seattle, doxo was founded as a partnership between several venture capitalists, including Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos' firm, Bezos Expeditions. Their goal with this venture was to make it easier for people and small businesses to pay their bills no matter where they are when they're due, all from one single account. As of now, doxo can point to millions of users and they can rightfully claim it has changed the way those millions pay their bills. It seems like a warning to the other players in the personal finance space; this is the first crowd-sourced, consumer-centered bill payment solution.

Recently, the leaders at doxo expanded its entire operation, to make sure their customers know they are intent on preventing scams and warning hackers to stay away. After they doubled their customer base, they also expanded their customer service and support capability. At the same time, they are constantly working to expand their partnerships with major companies, to the point that 45,000 billers of all sizes allow customers to access their bills and pay them through doxo. That list of billers runs the gamut, and includes industries such as utilities, finance, telecom, banking and insurance, among many other sectors. It seems they are sending a warning to the competition; there are few bills that can’t be paid through doxo.

The personal financial services segment of the economy represents roughly half of all household spending. That is why the folks at doxo started the company in the first place. The act of managing and paying all the bills in a typical household is one of the most frustrating and confounding tasks every family has to face. On average, households pay at least 10 or more bills every month and many of them juggle several online accounts, the occasional creditor that won't take a credit card and a number of websites that won't work with a mobile phone or tablet.