Tuesday, 22 October 2019

Benefits of bill pay with doxo

Did you know that the average household spends more than half of its overall budget on bills? Or that, also on average, households pay more than 10 bills each and every month? That’s a significant chunk of time and dedication to a tedious task, and one that -- let’s be honest -- nobody wants to complete. And this is the precise reason that doxo was introduced in 2008. This convenient, customer-centered online bill payment portal garnered robust feedback from individuals through crowdsourcing then debuted a website addressing many warnings, concerns and annoyances of consumers.

In its first ten years of use, doxo has grown and aptly adjusted to meet the ever-changing needs of its three-million-strong user base. The site offers a mobile friendly version as well as autopay options. It boasts over 45,000 unique billers across banking, healthcare, telecom and more, all of whom accept payments via doxo. The site improves speed and efficiency in bill payment and also allows for increased control of how a bill is paid by accepting credit card payments among other methods.

doxo has extended a beneficial service for its billers as well as they get paid faster, boost customer interactions, drive mobile engagement and receive real-time analytics about financials and customers. Users and billers alike are finding immense benefits from doxo.